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A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas

Ảnh của tác giả: Ella AllanElla Allan

The boys decide to put on a traditional family Christmas special featuring their family, friends and a few very special guests, including Kelly Clarkson.

Episode Summary

Phineas and Ferb are lying under the oak tree in their backyard when Phineas comments that it’s hot and suggests they do something to cool off. When Ferb proposes a visit to Antarctica, Phineas turns it down and decides to host a traditional family-oriented Christmas Special that would be broadcast live on television. Several people come in the screen, mainly dressed and equipped as people would be in a studio and they instantly start preparing for a Christmas Special, pulling in the screen a cardboard background that resembles the inside of a log cabin.

Phineas and Ferb are given sweaters that they put on, and fake snow starts to come down from a guy shifting fake snow from the top of the Flynn-Fletcher backyard tree. The 12th Annual Phineas and Ferb Christmas Special (as it’s called) sponsored by Wintobreath Toothpaste The Christmas Special stars the Flynn-Fletcher family and their acquaintances and features several unnamed extras. 

Isabella soon walks in, wearing a white turtleneck sweater, purple leggings, and pink fluffy boots underneath her dress that she wears everyday. Isabella says that her favorite part of the holidays was music and begins singing “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow“, with backup from MillyGinger, and Katie.

After Isabella’s musical number ends, Candace bursts in to find that Phineas and Ferb were hosting a Christmas Special, Candace, upon noticing that the Christmas Special was live on TV, sets out to bust Phineas and Ferb once again by leaving off stage and goes behind one of the cardboard backgrounds to call Linda who at the moment was shopping in downtown. Candace tells Linda to look at the TV behind her when she realizes that Linda is standing in front of a whole wall of TVs.

However, when Linda turns to look at the TV, it switches to the ad of Wintobreath Toothpaste. Linda quickly remembers that they need toothpaste, thanks Candace and ends the phone call, much to Candace’s frustration.

Phineas soon comments that Perry was missing. The scene shifts to Perry dropping into his lair where Major Monogram notifies Perry that Carl was being on a Christmas Special as an extra and had no idea what Doofenshmirtz was doing and decides to send Perry in a blind mission against Doofenshmirtz. Perry salutes his boss before running off the screen. The next scene is back in the cabin where Lawrence made his appearance.

Candace asks her father if the TV special was fine with him to which Lawrence informs her that he got pleased that they are putting on a “traditional” Christmas Special. Zooming out of the picture is Doofenshmirtz wondering what happened and why it seemed to suddenly be Christmas. He wondered where Fall had gone before deciding that he was out of it and decides on the point that he needed to get his “yuletide on and fast” before rushing off-screen.

Next, back in the cabin, Isabella walks up to Phineas who is sitting on the window ledge staring out the window and asks what was wrong. When he answers that Perry hadn’t returned to celebrate Christmas yet, Isabella leans back and whispers to Ferb, making sure that Phineas knew that it wasn’t actually Christmas.

Ferb replies that every Christmas needed a little false drama. Soon afterwards, a knock at the door brings in the famous singer: Kelly Clarkson to where she got asked to sing right away. When she replies that she had nothing ready to sing, Phineas decides to push her to just sit back and relax, saying that they would just have somebody else sing.

Over in Doofenshmirtz’s lab, the evil jingle for Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated was Doofenshmirtz singing Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated in the We Wish You A Merry Christmas tune. Perry bursts in, and immediately looks up to find a mistletoe dangling from above, quickly moves aside and goes into a fighting stance. Doofenshmirtz was building his Wrap-inator when he heard Perry come in.

Doofenshmirtz traps Perry and admits that Christmas seemed to have snuck up on him and he was behind on his shopping. His solution: The Transport-inator. So he could go on shopping while everybody else was circling around looking for parking spaces. Doofenshmirtz admitted it was more unfair than evil before switching on the Transport-inator which immediately began transporting him to the shopping stores to begin shopping for Christmas.

The scene shifts back to the cabin where Phineas asked who was coming down the chimney. It was Baljeet in what was an elf costume. Baljeet said that he broke the fire (it was cardboard). Phineas ignores it and asked Baljeet to sing a song. Baljeet says that it was going be a duet (indicating that somebody else was going singing there). After a second, the walls behind Baljeet got pulled away to show a piano and a pianist.

Baljeet immediately started singing “Good King Wenceslas“. Buford soon bursts in after a single line and says that he was busy rewriting the lyrics. The song went from Good King Wenceslas to all about Buford getting gifts, Baljeet complains that the song is all about Good King Wenceslas and Buford shows that he has background information about King Wenceslas in the song before reverting to being all about him getting gifts.

Kelly Clarkson stands up at that point and offers to sing after hearing Baljeet and Buford battle back and forth. Phineas goes up and tells her to sit back down and relax. When Kelly Clarkson protested, Phineas gave the excuse that he didn’t want to ask her to “work” on Christmas, to which she didn’t have a reply. Doofenshmirtz is just about to check out of the store with his shopping when he complains that the store was getting lazy and not putting up its Christmas decorations.

That was when Perry hit the reverse switch on the Transport-inator, bringing Doofenshmirtz back to his Evil Lair without his gifts. A small battle ensues where Perry hits the Transport-inator several times with hardened fruit cake. When electrical sparks could be seen coming from it, Perry jumped into the reactivated Transport-inator, which shot him right back to the Flynn-Fletcher Family Christmas.

Phineas is complaining that Perry wasn’t there and hadn’t returned, but decided to go ahead with opening presents anyway. The first one Phineas picked up wound up being the present where Perry got into from the Transport-inator. After discovering Perry, Phineas and everybody start singing “We Wish You A Merry Christmas“.

After the song is over, the Transport-inator transports the fake Christmas prompts (including everybody except the main members of the show: Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, Candace, and Lawrence) all the way back to Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

Soon afterwards, Linda comes back into the backyard where she said that she got told that they had done Christmas in July. Candace eagerly said that they had a Christmas Special, giving up on busting her brothers realizing the spirit of their idea and saying that it was actually kinda nice. To which she gets a chorus of “Awwww’s”. Doofenshmirtz complains that the reverse switch only works for Perry the Platypus and not for himself.

When Doofenshmirtz realizes who was stepping on his hand, he asks her to sing for him. Instead, they all notice the Transport-inator about ready to explode and they all run out. All except for Doofenshmirtz. As the Transport-inator exploded, Kelly Clarkson escaped from the building in much the same way that Perry the Platypus escapes: via hand-glider. Doofenshmirtz shouted at the end: “Curse you, Perry the Platypus! and to a lesser extent: Kelly Clarkson! Although, I do love her work.”




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